Gold Medal Software 2
Gold Medal Software Volume 2 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Text File
705 lines
5.6 Summary of Macro Variables
%AM The menu letter corresponding to the current Action
%AN The full Name of the current Action module
%AP The menu letter corresponding to the Previous Action
%AU current state of AUto-downloading, "ON" or "OFF"
%B: The complete path of the BOYAN directory
%B8 equals "ON" when eighth Bit allowed, "OFF" when eighth
Bit stripped
%BB current Beeps and Bells setting, "ON" or "OFF"
%BD equals "ON" when Backspace key sends DEL, "OFF" when
backspace sends BS
%C: The complete path of the Current directory
%D: The complete path of the default Download directory
%DA The current DAy of the month (1..31)
%DM The current color used for Displaying macro Messages
%DP The Default Protocol
%DR The letter corresponding to the currently-logged DRive
%DS The amount of memory (in K) available for DOS Shells
%EC Current ECho keyboard setting, "ON" or "OFF"
%F: The complete path where BOYAN expects to find .FON
%FD The name of the current .FON Directory
%GL The number of Grabbed screen Lines (25, 43, or 50)
%HR The current HouR (00,01,..23)
%II The position of string1 as a subtring of string2
determined by the last \II macro
%IK The last Input Key typed at the keyboard
%LC The List Command (DOS command to list a file)
%LD "ON" if currently Logging to Disk, "OFF" if no log file
%LF "ON" if LineFeeds are being added to CR's, "OFF" if not
%LN The Name of the most recently-selected Log file
%MC The current Menu Color (1..127)
%MD The number of the current Modem Device (1..4)
%MI The current MInute (00,01,..59)
%MO The current MOnth (1..12)
%MP The letter corresponding to the current Modem Parity
(N,E,or O)
%MS The current Modem Speed (300..38400)
%NC The current Normal text Color (1..127)
%P: The complete path of the external Protocol directory
%PR Current PRinter log setting, "ON" or "OFF"
%RE The counter number of the innermost \RE (REpeat) macro
%S: The complete path of the Script file directory
%S# The phone directory code number of the currently online
System (1..200, or 0 if dialed manually or not online)
%SC The name of the current SCript file running (or last
script file run)
%SE The current SEcond (0..59)
%SF The phone number of the currently online System
%SK The Secondary Keyset (scroll lock) setting, "ON" or
%SL The Length of time since the last connection to a remote
%SN The Name of the currently online System (or "Manual" if
dialed manually)
%SS The name of the logon Script file (not including .BSC
suffix) of the currently online System
%T: The complete path of the most recent file Transfer
%TF The name of the most recent File selected to be
%TI A string with Transfer time Information, suitable for
including in BOYAN.USE usage log
%TT Current Translation Table setting, "ON" or "OFF"
%U: The complete path of the default Upload directory
%UD This variable equals "UL" if the last file transfer was
an upload, or "DL" if the last file transfer was a
%UF Current Usage File log status ("ON" or "OFF")
%UN The Name of the current Usage file
%V0 Macro variable #0
%V1 Macro variable #1
%V2 Macro variable #2
. . .
%V8 Macro variable #8
%V9 Macro variable #9
%VA Macro variable A
%VB Macro variable B
. . .
%VY Macro variable Y
%VZ Macro variable Z
%WC The Word processor Command (DOS command to edit a file)
%XP The current X-position of the cursor (1..80)
%YP The current Y-position of the cursor (1..49)
5.7 Summary of Macro Commands
\\ signifies that the rest of the line is a comment,
not to be processed as a macro
\! Invoke Shortcut macro #111
\@ Invoke Shortcut macro #112
\# Invoke Shortcut macro #113
\$ Invoke Shortcut macro #114
\% Invoke Shortcut macro #115
\^ Invoke Shortcut macro #116
\& Invoke Shortcut macro #117
\* Invoke Shortcut macro #118
\( Invoke Shortcut macro #119
\) Invoke Shortcut macro #120
\AB ABort current macro or script file
\AD+ Turn on Auto-Detection of modem connect speed
\AD- Turn off Auto-Detection of modem connect speed
\AD* Toggle between \AD+ and \AD-
\AFfilename[string] Append string to the end of specified text File
(creating file if not found)
\ALx[] Sound ALarm x (1,2,or 3) until a key is pressed
\ALx[0] Sound ALarm x (1,2,or 3) just once
\ALx[y] Repeatedly sound ALarm x (1,2,or 3) for y seconds
\AM[] Select a new BOYAN Action Module from a menu
\AM[c] Activate the BOYAN Action Module corresponding to
the character c
\AT+[macro] Do macro if BOYAN is ATtended (no script file
\AT-[macro] Do macro if BOYAN is not ATtended (script file
\AU+ Turn AUto-downloading on
\AU- Turn AUto-downloading off
\AV[x] Set Alarm Volume to x (0..10, 10 loudest)
\B8+ Accept Bit 8 of incoming characters (no stripping)
\B8- Strip Bit 8 from incoming characters
\B8* Toggle between \B8+ and \B8-
\BB+ Turn Beeps & Bells on
\BB- Turn Beeps & Bells off
\BB* Toggle Beeps & Bells
\BC Back over Character, but do not put character into
backspace buffer
\BD+ Make Backspace key send the Ascii DEL character
\BD- Make Backspace key send the Ascii BS character
\BD* Toggle between \BD+ and \BD-
\BL[label] Script file -- call the labelled BLock as a
\BW+ Back over Word, putting erased characters into
backspace buffer
\BW- Back over Word, without putting erased characters
into backspace buffer
\CA+[macro] Do macro only if there is a CArrier signal (online)
\CA-[macro] Do macro only if there is no CArrier signal
\CB[] Configure BOYAN, main configuration menu
\CB[c] Configure BOYAN, go directly to Config Area [c]
\CC+ Do Check for Carrier signal before dialing, and
prompt user to verify "dialing despite carrier"
\CC- Do not Check for Carrier signal before dialing, and
dial right away
\CC* Toggle between \CC+ and \CC-
\CD[x] Change Device to 1,2,3,or 4 (Comm port #)
\CF+ Check Free disk space before downloads and in file
\CF- Do not Check Free disk space before downloads and
in file manager
\CF* Toggle between \CF+ and \CF-
\CH[x] Send the ASCII CHaracter with code x (0..255) over
the modem
\CM Change Menu -- for changing device, speed, or
\CO[x] Set the COnnect wait time to x seconds (0..99)
\CP[c] Change Parity to [N]one, [E]ven, or [O]dd.
\CS[x] Change Speed to 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
or 38400.
\CT+ Turn CTS/RTS flow control on
\CT- Turn CTS/RTS flow control off
\CT* Toggle CTS/RTS flow control
\DC[string] Execute string as a Dos Command, prompting for a
user keypress if not inside a script file
\DC+[string] Execute string as a Dos Command, prompting for
keypress afterward
\DC-[string] Execute string as a Dos Command, but do not prompt
for a keypress afterward
\DD+ Do Drop the DTR signal when you exit from BOYAN
\DD- Do not Drop the DTR signal when you exit from BOYAN
\DD* Toggle between \DD+ and \DD-
\DI[] Invoke BOYAN DIaling Directory
\DI[x] DIal entry # x (1..200) from current dialing
\DI[string] DIal the dialing directory entry whose name
contains string
\DI[###-####] Manually DIal the phone number specified
\DL[] Download file, prompting for protocol and filename
\DL-[] Download file immediately using default protocol,
bypassing all prompts
\DLc[] Download file using protocol c
\DLc-[] Download file immediately using protocol c,
bypassing all prompts
\DL[filename] Download specified file using default protocol,
prompting for confirmation
\DL-[filename] Download specified file, bypassing all prompts
\DLc[filename] Download specified file using protocol c, prompting
for confirmation
\DLc-[filename] Download specified file using protocol c, bypassing
all prompts
\DMC[x] Set Display Message Color to x (1..255). Colors
above 128 are flashing.
\DM[string] Display Message string flushed right one line above
current line
\DMy[string] Display Message string flushed right on line y
(1..49) of screen
\DMx,[string] Display Message string at column x, one line above
current line
\DMx,y[string] Display Message string at position x (1..80), y
\DP[c] Set Default Protocol for file transfers to c
\DT+ Turn modem DTR signal ON
\DT- Turn modem DTR signal OFF
\DT* Toggle modem DTR signal
\DVc[x] Delete the first x characters from variable c
\EB End current Block of script file
\EC+ Do ECho keyboard locally
\EC- Do not ECho keyboard locally
\EC* Toggle between \EC+ and \EC-
\EM End the current Macro (advance to next line of
\EX EXit BOYAN immediately. (Be careful with this
\FC Forward Character -- send most recent character
saved in Backspace buffer
\FD[filename] Load filename as the new .FON Dialing Directory.
\FE+filename[macro] Do macro only if filename exists
\FE-filename[macro] Do macro only if filename does not exist
\FM[filename] Invoke BOYAN's File Manager. Filename can be a
complete drive, path, and file specification (with
\FS[c] Show Free Space on specified disk drive
\FW Forward Word -- send characters from Backspace
buffer until reaching a space
\GB[label] Go to Block specified by label (within current
\GL+ Grab screen Lines ON (43 with EGA monitor, 50 with
\GL- Grab screen Lines OFF (return to 25-line screen)
\GL* Toggle between \GL+ and \GL-
\GS[filename] Go to Script filename (.BSC extension optional)
\GS[filename;label] Go to Script filename, block label
\GVc[] Close the text file read by \GVc[filename]
\GVc[filename] Get next line from specified text file into
variable c
\GX[x] Go to X position x (1..80)
\GY[y] Go to Y position y (1..49)
\HE Call up HElp screen (from "Communication Ready"
screen only)
\HK Call up Help on function Key descriptions
\HU Hang up modem
Do macro only If string1 Equals string2
(upper/lower case not significant)
Do macro only If string1 does not Equal string2
\IF+string[macro] Do macro only If string Found on current line or on
line above
\IF-string[macro] Do macro only If string not Found on current line
or on line above
Do macro only If string1 is found as a substring
Inside string2
Do macro only If string1 is not found as a
substring Inside string2
\IK+[macro] Do macro only If a Key has been pressed
\IK-[macro] Do macro only If no Key has been pressed
\IP+c[macro] Do macro only If Protocol c is available
\IP-c[macro] Do macro only If Protocol c is not available
\IS+x,y,...,z[macro] Do macro only If the current System number is
x,y,..., or z
\IS-x,y,...,z[macro] Do macro only If the current System number is not
x,y,..., or z
\IT+[macro] Do macro only If most recent file Transfer was
\IT-[macro] Do macro only If most recent file Transfer was
\IVc+string[macro] Do macro only if variable c (0..9,A..Z) equals
string (upper/lower case not significant)
\IVc-string[macro] Do macro only if variable c (0..9,A..Z) does not
equal string
\IW+[macro] Do macro only If last "WF" or other handshaking
command was successful
\IW-[macro] Do macro only If last "WF" or other handshaking
command was unsuccessful
\JD Jump to DOS. Requires user to type EXIT to return
\KO[x] Set unattended Keyboard timeOut to x seconds
\KS Keep Screen contents in internal buffer and stop
displaying incoming data from the modem, until \RS
\KVc[string] Read variable x (0..9,A..Z) from keyboard, prompted
by string
\KVcstring1[string2] Read variable c (0..9,A..Z) from keyboard, prompted
by string2 and using string1 as a default
\LD+ Log to Disk (using default Log File name)
\LD+[filename] Log to Disk using specified filename
\LD- Turn off logging to disk
\LD* Toggle between \LD+ and \LD-
\LD*[filename] Toggle between \LD+[filename] and \LD-
\LF+ Add LineFeeds to carriage returns
\LF- Do not add LineFeeds to carriage returns
\LF* Toggle between \LF+ and \LF-
\LM[string] Log Message -- insert string into current log file
\LVc[y] Set the Length of Variable c (0..9,A..Z) to be
exactly y (0..80) characters
\MA[x] Do BOYAN MAcro number x (1..120)
\MC[x] Set Menu Color to x (1..127)
\MVc[y] Set Variable c (0..9,A..z) to the contents of Macro
y (1..120)
\NC[x] Set Normal text Color to x (1..127)
\ND[string] New Drive/Directory
\OI Display an Order Information screen about BOYAN
\PA[x] Pause for x (1..32767) seconds
\PL Purge line (discard receive buffer)
\PM[string] Print message string on printer
\PP[x] Select printer port x (1..4)
\PR+ Turn printer logging on
\PR- Turn printer logging off
\PR* Toggle printer logging
\PS Print Screen
\PU[xx:yy] Pause Until specified time (use 24-hour notation)
\QA[x] Add entry # x (1..200) to the redialing Queue
\QA[string] Add the first dialing directory entry whose name
contains string to the redialing Queue
\QA[###-####] Add the specified phone number to the redialing
\QC Queue Clear -- wipe out the redialing queue
\QD Queue Dial -- redial from queue until connection
\QE Queue -- enter interactive redialing queue
\RB Review Buffer -- enter scroll-back buffer
\RC Restore normal text Color
\RE[macro] REpeat macro indefinitely
\REx[macro] REpeat macro, x (1..32767) times
\RS Restore screen and re-enable displaying of text
from modem (after \KS)
\RVc[y] Read Variable c (0..9,A..Z) as input from modem,
with a maximum length of y (1..80) characters
before carriage return
\RVc-[y] Read Variable c (0..9,A..Z) as above, but echo
asterisks instead of the actual characters read
\RX[-x] Relative X-position; move cursor x columns to the
\RX[x] Relative X-position; move cursor x columns to the
\RY[-y] Relative Y-position; move cursor y rows up
\RY[y] Relative Y-position; move cursor y rows down
\SB Send modem Break signal
\SC[filename] Invoke script (.BSC extension optional) as
\SC[filename;label] Invoke specified block from specified script as
\SK+ Select Secondary Keyset (turn scroll lock ON)
\SK- Deselect Secondary Keyset (turn scroll lock OFF)
\SK* Toggle Secondary Keyset (toggle scroll lock)
\SL[x] Set Line pacing to x (0..255) milliseconds
\SMx[string] Set BOYAN Macro x (1..120) to string
\SN[string] Display string on right side of status line (where
the System Name is usually displayed)
\SP[x] Set character Pacing to x (0..255) milliseconds
\SS Save current Screen image to the screen dump file
\ST[string] Display string on STatus line
\SVc[string] Set variable c (0..9,A..Z) to string
\TMx[string] Set secondary/Terminal keyset Macro x (1..120) to
\TO[x] Set handshake TimeOut to x (0..255) seconds
\TR+ Turn on TRace mode
\TR- Turn off TRace mode
\TR* Toggle TRace mode
\TT+ Turn Translation/filter Table on
\TT- Turn Translation/filter Table off
\TT* Toggle Translation/filter Table
\TVc[y] Set variable c (0..9,A..z) to the contents of
secondary/Terminal keyset Macro y (41..110)
\UF+ Usage log File on (using default usage log
\UF+[filename] Turn on Usage log File specified by filename
\UF- Usage log File off
\UF* Toggle Usage log File
\UL[] UpLoad file, prompting for protocol and filename
\ULc[] UpLoad file using specified protocol c
\UL[filename] UpLoad specified file using default protocol,
prompting for confirmation
\UL-[filename] UpLoad file using default protocol immediately,
bypassing all prompts
\ULc[filename] UpLoad specified file using protocol c, prompting
for confirmation
\ULc-[filename] UpLoad specified file using protocol c, bypassing
all prompts
\UM[string] Enter Usage Message into usage log file (if usage
file is on)
\UNstring[macro] Repeatedly execute macro UNtil string arrives from
\UTxx:yy[macro] Repeatedly execute macro Until specified Time (24-
hour notation)
\WF[] Wait For any character to arrive from modem
\WF[string] Wait For string to arrive from modem
\WL Wait for new Line
\WP[x] Wait for a Pause of x seconds in the remote
system's input
\WW+ Automatic Word-Wrap detection for Message Uploads
\WW- Automatic Word-Wrap detection for Message Uploads
\WW* Toggle between \WW+ and \WW-
\XX+ Use Xon/Xoff handshaking
\XX- Do not use Xon/Xoff handshaking
\XX* Toggle between \XX+ and \XX-
\ZS Zap (clear) Screen
\+Vc[y] Numerically adds y to the contents of variable c
\+Vc[-y] Numerically subtracts y from the contents of
variable c (0..9,A..Z).